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Visiting scholar

Cynthia M. Horne

Associate Professor of Political Science, Western Washington University

Cynthia M. Horne is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Western Washington University. Her areas of research interest include post-communist political and economic transitions, transitional justice measures, and comparative development questions. In particular, her current research project explores the claims about the restorative properties of transitional justice by examining the actual impact of the measures in the context of the transitions in post-communist states. In particular, have transitional justice measures, such as lustration, truth telling and accountability, and file access, had a positive or negative impact on the transitions in post-communist countries? Does transitional justice catalyze greater trust or foment distrust? Does it impact corruption levels and democratization? While at the CSD, Prof Horne focused on the case of Bulgaria as part of her comparative book project on regional transitional justice programs. She examined how Bulgaria’s file access, public disclosure and accompanying transitional justice approach have affected trust in public institutions, trust in the national government, interpersonal trust, and perceptions of corruption. The CSD was invaluable in providing research assistance, facilitating interviews, and providing background information on the Bulgarian experience. During her time at the CSD, Prof Horne obtained research materials and conducted interviews that will be used to compare the experience of Bulgaria to other countries in Central and Eastern Europe.

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