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Towards a Just Transition in Bulgaria

Unlocking the Green Transformation Potential of Stara Zagora, Pernik and Kyustendil

The Territorial Just Transition Plans (TJTPs) are strategic documents developed by the European member states for addressing the social and economic effects of the transition to a low-carbon economy in Europe’s carbon-intensive regions. The Plans set out the transition challenges and development needs in each territory and define development objectives for 2030, as well as the specific actions and governance mechanisms to ensure that these objectives will be met.

This publication provides an assessment of the draft version of the Bulgarian TJTPs based on CSD’s comparative methodology for evaluating the just transition process in Central and Eastern Europe. It identifies key policy, socio-economic and governance barriers in the process of strategic planning and provides targeted policy recommendations for improving the stakeholder engagement process, scaling up the ambition of the decarbonisation targets in the plans, supporting the economic transformation process towards higher value-added sectors, and boosting the regional innovation potential.

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