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Milene Meneghetti Bruhn

M.A. Peace Research and International Relations, Universität Tübingen, Germany

Period of internship: Nov 01, 2021 - Apr 01, 2022

I had the great opportunity of interning remotely for roughly five months at CSD in the Security Program. Although the internship was conducted online, I could participate in a variety of projects. My tasks ranged from assistance in reports of public policies to research about measures taken on radicalization and violent extremism. I gained a grip on matters that I did not have a deep knowledge of before and could learn and discover new interests I have in the field.

Everybody at CSD was receptive, and I could work directly with researchers that shared observations and followed up on the activities I was executing. At the same time that I had the autonomy to conduct research, I also received constant feedback. From now on, I am more excited not only to explore the new themes that came across during my time at CSD but also to carry perspectives that boost my career plans. I would recommend the internship program to anyone interested in the work made at the institute, especially in the field of radicalization.

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