Dr. Mariya Trifonova
Senior Research Fellow
Energy and Climate Program
PhD, Sofia University "St. Kl. Ohridski"
Diploma-Kauffrau, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Mariya Trifonova’s work at the CSD Energy and Climate Program focuses on energy economics and energy policy. In the course of her career, she has gained insight into the technological and socio-economic developments in the energy sector over the last ten years from a variety of perspectives. Ms. Trifonova has worked as program director of the Bulgarian PV Association. As part of the European Institute of Energy Research team in Karlsruhe (EIFER, Germany), she has analysed innovative business models for RES integration as well as energy transition in a number of European countries. She has been involved in projects such as PV Grid, Nanophosolar and MEDEAS, and was the national expert to the 2020 edition of the World Energy Trilemma Index. Currently, Ms. Trifonova is a PhD candidate and an assistant professor at the Department of Industrial Economics and Management of Sofia University where she teaches environmental economics, sustainable governance of energy systems, and economic aspects of renewable energy technologies and biofuels. In recent years, she has also committed to researching low-carbon transition in European countries, in particular the institutional, policy, technological, social, and cultural factors at play in Bulgaria from socialist times to the present day.