A national study on the information and training needs of beneficiaries of international protection in Bulgaria conducted in 2017 identified the need of development of coherent and comprehensive program for information and orientation to facilitate the adaptation and inclusion of members of this group in the host society. Aiming to respond to this need Center for the Study for Democracy organized a national workshop “Training Module for Cultural and Civic Orientation of Beneficiaries of International Protection” that took place in Sofia on 25 April 2018.
The workshop gathered professionals from public and NGO institutions mandated to provide services to refugees in Bulgaria as well as members of the refugee community. They discussed a draft Module for cultural and civic orientation of refugees, developed by the Center for the Study of Democracy and provided input for its fine tuning and finalization. By way of group discussions participants formulated guidance regarding the chosen topics, the relevance and comprehensiveness of the provided information and the proposed training techniques. The pack of recommendations formulated at the workshop will serve to finalise a Module for Cultural and Civic Orientation for beneficiaries of international protection in Bulgaria.