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Three International Conferences Discussed Corruption in November 1999

The Second Annual Meeting of the Anti-Corruption Network for Transition Economies

which took place in Istanbul on November 2-3, 1999 highlighted Coalition 2000’s role in the organization of the Balkan Forum Against Corruption, due to meet next February. Mr. Alexander Stoyanov, Director of Research of the Center for the Study of Democracy, presented Coalition 2000 at the event. The participants met to review the progress being made on anti-corruption programs in the region, consider specific anti-corruption practices that private sector can work on together with public sector, and consider follow-up actions. The participants agreed to create an Internet Hotline to share information on specific problems encountered in the region, and to contribute to the Internet site by linking their existing anti-corruption information or by forwarding action plans, laws, survey results, and other information for inclusion.

ISPAC Conference “RESPONDING TO THE CHALLENGES OF CORRUPTION” (Milan, November 19-20, 1999).

The conference was organized by ISPAC (International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council of United Nations Crime Prevention and Crime Justice Program). The main objective of the conference was to provide an opportunity for exchange of information on the factors and problems related to corruption, in order to enhance international coordination in anti-corruption activities. Attention was focused on regional collaboration between developed, developing and transition countries in preventing and combating corruption. Presentations concentrated on legal, criminal and economic aspects of corruption, as well as on estimates of corruption practices and behavior. State officials, representatives of international organizations, parliamentarians, academics, and journalists attended the conference that was opened by Mr. Pino Arlacchi (Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations).

Mr. Alexander Stoyanov represented Coalition 2000 at this event. He participated in the session “Instruments on Effective Reduction of Corruption: Best Practices”, presenting the paper “The Corruption Monitoring System of Coalition 2000 and the Results from its Implementation”. The paper focuses on the Corruption monitoring System (CMS) of Coalition 2000 and presents a brief overview of its methodology and theoretical foundations, as well the results from its implementation in the period June 1998 – October 1999.


Alexander Stoyanov was invited to be a visiting instructor on this IDLI seminar and to present the segment on "National Strategies for Combating Corruption" (November 17, 1999). The seminar was attended by 27 participants from developing and transition economy countries (judges, prosecutors, lawyers from the Attorney General's Office, legal advisors to anti-corruption agencies, members of law reform commissions, legal advisors to Parliament, legal advisors to NGOs, and others interested in the legal aspects of combating corruption).

The one day presentation was based on the experience accumulated by Coalition 2000 and focused on identifying the challenges and difficulties in designing a national anti-corruption strategy, and on outlining the instrumental role which the third sector can play in this process to build consensus and partnership with the Government and other sectors of society. Specific attention was devoted to the conceptual basis and the practical development of an anti-corruption action plan and a corruption monitoring system as elements of national anti-corruption programs.

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