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Draft Legislative Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code

The Center for the Study of Democracy, together with other NGOs and individual experts, participated in a working group at the Ministry of Justice that contributed to the drafting of legislative amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code. The draft aims to increase the efficiency of criminal proceedings and take into account the recommendations made by European partners as well as the measures set out in the National Recovery and Sustainable Development Plan. Specific proposals include introducing judicial review of the decision not to initiate criminal proceedings, improving the provisions on the prosecutor's revocation of the decision to discontinue criminal proceedings, etc. The draft establishes a mechanism for the criminal responsibility of the Prosecutor General, measures to limit his de facto power and to increase his accountability with regard to the prosecution of corruption offences.

The draft was published on the public consultation portal of the Council of Ministers on 05.12.2022. 

This opinion, drawn by the Law Program of the Center for the Study of Democracy and the Bulgarian Institute for Legal Initiatives,  is part of the public consultation procedure.


Full text of the opinion (Adobe PDF, 703 KB, in Bulgarian only)

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