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Енергийна сигурност, енергиен преход и икономическо развитие

Since CSD establishment, Economic developement has been one of the major topics, supporting the institutionalisation of democracy and market economy in Bulgaria. Following the country’s entry into the European Union in 2007, CSD has specialised also in energy governance and regional energy security through policy research and advocacy for improving national and European energy policies.

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Енергийна сигурност, енергиен преход и икономическо развитие
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Главен икономист
Директор по научната дейност
Главен научен сътрудник
Старши анализатор
Асоцииран старши сътрудник
Старши анализатор
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За темата

Good governance and sustainability in the energy sector policies, conventional and green energy, management of state owned energy enterprises and large infrastructure projects, energy poverty and sustainable energy policies, energy efficiency, diversification, and security.

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