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Корупция и завладяване на държавата

CSD is a pioneer of the anti-corruption efforts of the Bulgarian civil society. In 1997, it introduced Coalition 2000, the innovative process platform for public-private cooperation among NGOs and government institutions to tackle corruption, which inspired many to follow.

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Корупция и завладяване на държавата
Програмен директор
Главен икономист
Асоцииран старши сътрудник
Председател на Управителния съвет
Старши анализатор
Директор по научната дейност
Старши анализатор
За темата

Anti-corruption monitoring and coalition building. The Corruption Monitoring System (CMS), introduced in 1998 in Bulgaria and in 2001 in Southeast Europe was one of the first victimisation-based survey instruments to provide reliable metrics of corruption. assessing anticorruption policy implementation gaps at institutional level - MACPI. State Capture Risk metrics. 

Russian influence the Russian economic footprint and its influence on Central and Eastern Europe.

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