Europe’s ageing population is ever-increasing, and our societies are becoming more digitalised. Many public services are now available online, with many more services in the process of being digitalised. But the digitalisation of public services poses a risk of exclusion for older persons. The report maps the current legislation, policies and practices fostering digital inclusion in Bulgaria. It provides an overview of the laws at the national level that provide for equal access to public services, both online and offline. The findings show how Bulgaria safeguard older person’s rights to access services undergoing digitalisation. It outlines how Member States can support digital skills and ensure older people can fully participate in public life.
The country reports from EU Member States constitute the background material for a comparative analysis for the project ‘Fundamental Rights of older people: ensuring access to public services in digital societies’. The country studies were prepared by FRA’s research network, FRANET.
CSD contributed to the report by carrying out the research in Bulgaria and producing a country report as background material for the comparative analysis.
The full report and all national background studies are available on the FRA website here.