"To Foster Civil Society in Bulgaria by Bridging the Gap between Scholars and Policy Makers"
The Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) was founded in late 1989 as an independent, non-profit, public policy research organization committed to fostering the stabilization of a democratic social and economic system in Bulgaria by encouraging an open dialogue between scholars and policy makers. CSD is not affiliated with any political party or structure and operates on the basis of the universal principles and values of democracy.
The objectives of CSD are:
- to encourage economic reform in Bulgaria by conducting independent research in the field of privatization and private sector development, providing training to Bulgarian experts, and building an adequate institutional framework for reform;
- to assist the legal reform in Bulgaria by introducing advanced foreign expertise, drafting laws and training members of the Bulgarian legal community;
- to provide independent analyses of public attitudes towards social, economic, and political aspects of the transition;
- to encourage the development of a viable non-governmental sector that would guarantee the success of democratic reforms in Bulgaria.